What Feng Shui Can Do For You

Promote harmony and prosperity by optimizing your environment.

Feng Shui incorporates principles to help align your space with who you are and what you want.

How does your space make you feel? Do you feel energized? If your answer is no,

Try using the five elements (Wood, Earth, Fire, Metal, and Water)

when designing your space.

Wood: Creativity and Growth.

Wood energy = growth = color green = columnar shape

Earth: Stability and Nurturing.

Earth energy = stability = yellow/brown color = square shape

Fire: Recognition and transformative.

Fire energy = passion = color red = triangle shape

Metal: Focus and Order.

Metal energy = clarity = metallic color = circle shape

Water: Emotion and Inspiration

Water energy = fluidity = color black = wavy shape

Why the five elements? The elements used together allow the energy to flow naturally through your space.

Who can benefit from Feng Shui?

Everyone can benefit from applying Feng Shui tools and methods to achieve specific results and increase overall well-being, happiness and success.

Do you have questions about Feng Shui and how it can help you?


Feeling a little

Stuck or unmotivated

in a particular area?

Get things moving in a

positive direction

with a helpful dose of harmony & balance

Struggling to stay


on your goals & desires?

Reconnect with

hope & Motivation

and put your vision back in command

Feeling all-around


and in need of support?

Receive guidance to

discover, create & manifest

free flowing energy and prosperity

“I am so grateful I took the opportunity to allow Yota into my home in a very intimate manner and what a difference her beautiful energy, sensitivity, Feng Shui wisdom & her Mati Art piece has made in my life and within my home!”

Susan A, Denver CO

“Launching my new business has come with a string of challenges that often leave me feeling discouraged. Using her talents to adjust the energy in my place of business & my home, Yota helps me to stay better connected with my intentions and provides guidance towards their realization.”

Katie G, Denver CO